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Tag Archives: correctional system

Connecting the Dots Between Recidivism and Medical Malpractice Claims in Correctional Facilities

One of the risks facing correctional healthcare professionals is recidivism. There is a correlation between higher rates of recidivism and increased medical malpractice claims. Recidivism is the term used for individuals who have been incarcerated for a crime who then repeat the illegal behavior after being released from jail or prison. Studies show that recidivism  Continue Reading »

Jail and Prison Inmates’ Healthcare Issues Vary by Type of Facility.

Taxpayers spend about $70 billion a year on jails, prisons and other correctional facilities in the U.S. and currently there are 2.2 million inmates in our correctional system. When we look at each type of facility individually, we find that healthcare issues often vary by facility type but there are also common themes – a  Continue Reading »